Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Kid's say the greatest things!

 School has been in session for a week and a day and I am just now finding time to sit and write a reflection on what has happened so far. 

1. I sort of like starting school before Labor Day because we get all the procedure and expectation discussions out of the way then have a 3 day weekend and are ready to jump in and learn. 
2. This year I have one Kindergarten class, one first grade class, and one fourth grade class (instead of the full load of each grade). I have a full load of three each of second and third grade classes and four 5th grade classes as well as two Continuous Progress third/fourth grad classes. It is very odd to prep for K, 1st, and 4th only to teach the lesson once. I'm so used to having 3 or 4 times with a lesson to refine it. An unexpected bonus of this schedule is that we can pace it to however the class needs it paced without the pressure to be in the same lesson all across the grade level.
3. Kids say the greatest things. A kindergartner just asked me if I wanted to come to his birthday party. It is a costume party, he told me, and I would have to dress up as either a ninja or a princess. Priceless!

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