Tuesday, April 29, 2014

My Lord, What a Mornin'!

And not in the good sense! Oh my goodness! It felt like a colossal disaster!

First, the Art Sub knocked on the door 15-20 minutes into the lesson needing help with the Art video. I asked her to watch my class while I went over and tried to figure out how to fix it but I couldn't. So, I returned to the class I was supposed to be teaching and continued the lesson at the SMARTboard until... Forced Computer Restart! I got a message that the computer needed to be restarted in order to complete an update. but there was no option to delay the restart! In the middle of a lesson! So, I saved everything I could and we just went with the flow. Needless to say, we had to truncate quite a bit of the plans. That was just in the first 50 minute lesson.
Then my 3rd graders came in and we had an Epic failure to perform or pay attention for a final performance of student compositions. Wow! We had been practicing for 3 classes and it was time to put the chunks together. There was no new information but they all looked at me with blank faces as if we had NEVER DONE THIS BEFORE! Eventually, I just gave up after an Epic attempt to keep my cool. (I don't think I succeeded. Some students said I was acting weird)
Next lesson, 5th graders came to music right after 1 1/2 hours of MCA science tests and were unable to contain themselves any longer. Listening or taking turns talking was not on their agendas. But, we did get to practice the recognition songs so it wasn't a huge fail.

Bright spot: I am finally getting to the end of setting up iPads from the grant! I think I'll be ready to use them for the next rotation. So excited!

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