Monday, April 7, 2014

new set-up, #HappyDay, iPADS!

New Set-Up
I've decided to change the look of the music room. I liked having the risers where they were in terms of lining up but the kids are just too far away from the board. So, I'm trying something completely new! I had some 5th graders volunteer to stay behind and help me move things around and this is what we ended up with:

Now it is a bit more intimate. I hope the kids pay attention to me rather than each other but it lends itself to more "Guide on the Side" than "Sage on the Stage." It brings the students closer to the board for both instruments and seats. It leaves a nice open movement space, too. Speaking of which. I barely got my 2nd graders up and moving today. Bummer!

For the "international day of happiness," Pharell Williams worked with the United Nations to use his song "Happy" to create 24 Hours of Happiness. He asked people to video themselves dancing and singing along to his song then post it with #HappyDay. It was a huge success. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of videos on YouTube now in answer to his call. I showed them the London video and challenged them to make one of their own.

Then, I told them, if they thought it good enough to post, they should send it to me and I can post it on my website. I think I'll post it here, too, if it actually happens. Then, as usual, I trolled the web for other related videos and put them on my "Things from Class" page. This is just the tiniest smattering of what is out there...

Happy in Bermuda! |
Happy in Boulogne Brilliancourt |
Happy We are from Paris |
Happy Flashmob (in French!) |
Happy--an A Capella Cover! | 

The iPads from the Grant have ARRIVED!
I started to unpack them and realized I have to do some serious cabinet reorganizing. But, hey, they came!! I can't wait to get them up and running. Oh the things we will do...

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